JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV)- When the smoke clears on August 27, one candidate will emerge as the Republican nominee for Governor in Mississippi. Until then both Tate Reeves and Bill Waller, Jr. are combing through their schedules (and budgets) trying to make every stump speech and every dollar of paid media count.

The last days of a race can tell voters a lot about the person they may be voting for; their record, their views, and their character – namely do they go negative or do they take the high road. In the case of this runoff, its a mixture of both.

Y’all Politics, seen below, makes the campaign ads in question available:

While the art of retail politics, mainly selling yourself face to face, is never out of date, a candidate can touch thousands more through tv ads and these days a mix of digital ads on social media.

The first spate of ads introduced the candidates with subsequent flights produced by their wives and children speaking to their character. As numbers narrowed and the runoff approaches the public is bombarded by a flurry of endorsements from individuals and interest groups and then the attack ads.